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Jiggs at 8 weeks old

Wireswest The Jig is Up
CH Wireswest Ace In The Hole NAVHDA UT 1/204 (x2) x CH Wireswest Bring It On NAVHDA UT 1/201
Jiggs was one of the two "left over" pups from a litter that no one picked. This was during the heat of the Covid pandemic era and unusual for us to have two females not yet placed. Jiggs and her sister were so similar that we decided to kept them both for a while to evaluate. It was too difficult to decide even at 5 months old but then a perfect home came along and we decided to place Jigg's sister (that was coming along the best) making our final choice of Jiggs. As it turned out, both sisters excelled and turned into great hunting dogs. Jiggs is 100% sugar, very cooperative, and knows no stranger. Jiggs is a product of her sire, Ace, who was the easiest dog we have ever trained (some might say that Ace trained us). Jiggs has a very intense stylist point that takes her to her "happy place" and can hold that point as long as it is needed. JIggs is a mid sized GWP at 23" and 52 pounds. Jiggs will start her NAVHDA Utility field training in 2025 and hoping to test her in the fall of 2025. Jiggs has been health tested and received her CHIC clearance.

Jiggs at 7 weeks old
Jiggs at 10 weeks old

CHIC # 198606 Height 22" Weight 52 lbs
DOB: 05/19/2021 Pennhip Right Di=0.25 Left Di=0.26
AKC # SS27416106 Thyroid: Normal Eyes: Normal
NAVHDA # GW-013428 Heart: Normal Elbows: Normal
Bred, Owned,Trained, and Handled by Meg Eden

Jiggs at 4.5 months old
Jiggs at 10 weeks old

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