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CH Wireswest Bring It On
US & UK CH Kimmas Bourbon JW NAVHDA NA1/112 UT 1/201 x DC AFC Wireswest Mardi Gras CGC MHA
Brio @ 7 Weeks Old
Brio is a naturally talented land & water dog with an impressive pedigree of renowmed GWPs. She has always been serious with the birds, starting at 7 weeks old. Brio has an excellent coat, sharp nose, and 6th scent to find those difficult birds. Even as a brutal hunting dog (her nickname is the Brush Buster), she retrieves wounded birds to hand that are fit for any dinner plate. She is our "go to" Montana hunting dog that flattens cattails and bullrush, determined to find "any and all" hidden birds. Every year she finds that enormous rooster that has outsmarted many predators and she continues to hold the longest tail contest for 4 years. Brio is a great waterfowl dog too and can bring in a goose at a full run.
Brio's temperament is second to none, as are her offsprings. Her only fault might be to lick your face immediately after chasing down a running bleeding goose because she is so happy to bring you a present. LOL. Brio does not have the aloof GWP personality (you may read about that describes the breed) as she loves all people and gets along with all dogs. She is the official greeter at our house so please don't leave your vehicle door open when you stop by unless you want to find her stretched out asleep in your backseat.
Brio @ 4 Months Old
CHIC # 123095
DOB: 03/27/2015
AKC # SR87552805
NAVHDA # GW-009579
Height 25" Weight 58 lbs
Hips Good - Elbows Good
Thyroid Normal, Heart Normal,
Eyes Clear
Owned, Bred. Trained, and Handled by Meg Eden
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